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High Steel
May 2018

High Steel Structures LLC Endorses New Technology and Processes While Some Things Never Change

Many tourists frequently travel to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to experience an unusual trip back in time. Lancaster County is home to an Amish community of over 80,000 who first immigrated from Southern Germany and Switzerland in the 1720's to avoid religious persecution. The Amish have maintained, to a great extent, their tradition of experiencing life like it was in the 1700's without electricity, TV, internet, tractors, automobiles, etc. When you drive through the rural farmland of the county, you see many horse drawn buggies and plows like it was in prior centuries. With the exception of the asphalt road surface, it's truly like taking a trip back to the 1700's.
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Three Generations
May 2018

Third Generation Family Business Updates to Maintain Their Competitive Edge.

Nick Tepavchevich and his wife Gloria were not just partners in life but in 1949 they decided to take a big step and become partners in business. Nick saw the opportunity to start his own business in 1949 making handrails for homes. World War II was over, families were exploding with the returning GI's so it was a great time to address the expanding housing markets need for handrails. When they started Nick did all the fabrication and Gloria took care of the painting.
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Mar 2017

GMF of Lakeland: Florida Scribes Their Way to Increased Productivity and Profit!

In 1982 Larry Norman founded GMF as he reached out with a partner and a single welding machine to find work fabricating steel. Interested in securing work, he visited an amusement park about 100 miles away to see if he could bid on some steel fabrication. The buyer at that time questioned Larry if he really had a business as Larry did not even have a business card. Larry was quick to solve that problem and returned with a freshly minted business card so he could bid on some pending work and ended up leaving that day with a contract worth $1,000,000. Obviously, this was the sign that Larry's new venture was the right idea and the timing was perfect. As Larry's background was in the area of machining, he quickly broadened the focus of the business to also include contract machining.
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Jan 2017

Zalk Josephs Fabricators, LLC Invest in Intelligent Steel Fabrication from Ficep

You don't have to travel and visit structural steel fabricators throughout North America very long before you find out that most are first or possibly second generation firms. This is no surprise as typically the start of these firms are centered on a strong aggressive personality with a "can do" attitude that becomes the heart and soul of the business. Firms with this type of origin face a difficult challenge to remove that personality years later and still maintain the same focus on the business. This is the same reason that many firms of this type find it difficult to be acquired, as the removal of this strong founding personality frequently leaves a void in the firm. Because of this dynamic, firms of this type typically go away and are replaced by new firms with a founder that encompasses the same type of strong personality that is needed in this industry to be successful.
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