Steel Fabrication

Intelligent Fabrication - The Overwhelming First Choice of Progressive Fabricators


Over the years we have witnessed that many fabricators have grown their fabrication facilities and corresponding material handling system to give them the type of fabrication and handling options that is believed to increase productivity. Intelligent fabrication by FICEP blows away the old myths that they need an expansive material handling system with numerous handling options to achieve a leg up on their competition.

Intelligent fabrication starts by enabling a fabricator to simulate a job or production sequences in conjunction with his erection needs to optimize the fabrication process. Once the optimum sequence is determined, the material can be loaded and then scanned onto the material handling system to start the fabrication process. The Win-Handling software then optimizes the handling steps, process selection and completes the fabrication operation in the most efficient manner and without the requirement for the programmer/operator to directly drive the programming and system operation.

As material is run through the system, the routing and corresponding CNC programs for the different operations of shot blasting, sawing, drilling, thermal cutting and layout occurs automatically and without an operator's decision making or direct involvement in the operation of the CNC equipment.

All of the material handling functions occur in mast time as their operation is also not controlled by a team of operators who determine what throughput your system will generate. All functions, including the material handling operations, transpire simultaneous with the CNC systems so the process is running at its maximum efficiency. The elimination of the decision making operation and its timing through 'Intelligent Fabrication' makes sure that maximum system efficiency is always achieved in the smallest possible footprint.